Wednesday, May 26, 2010

May 26 Hump Day!

Is it me or is time FLYING by?  In just a few short months we're going to be up to our eyeballs in BIRTH STORIES.  Eeeeeee! I can't wait.  And speaking of things that make me go "eeeeeeeee!" Look at all of our beautiful bumps!!!  It is absolutely amazing to watch the transformations happen right before our eyes.  I saw a cute t-shirt online the other day that said, "I grow humans, what's your super power?" And that's exactly what this whole baby making process feels like - a super power!  :)  Happy Wednesday ladies, enjoy the bumps!

*** 21 Weeks***
TheBuhhah - 21 weeks (a picture from last week)

***22 Weeks***
KenzieRose - 22 weeks (with a 4D pic of her LO!)

CourtNJason4 - 22 Weeks

Frecks2111 - 22 Weeks

JennyLN - 22 Weeks (in Fiji! I'm so jealous!!!)

Ashleykass - 22 Weeks

EASwimmer - 22 weeks

Sillie1020 - 22 weeks, 3 days

Nickschick23 - 22 weeks, 4 days

RobbiesWifey - 22 weeks, 6 days

***23 Weeks***
EMZimm08 - 23 weeks

jenpekar - 23 weeks, It's a Girl!!

kjg5445 - 23 weeks

Renee428 - 23 weeks, 4 days (Babymoon in Tybee!)

jgal84 - 23 weeks, 5 days - It's a Girl!!

***24 Weeks (Happy V-day, ladies!)***
 jsecor - 24 weeks

thatlauragirl - 24 weeks

Lindsaycane - 24 weeks

gracefol84 - 24 weeks

CarrieBrad - 24 weeks

jps85 - 24 weeks, 5 days

MarknCalsMommy - 24 weeks, 6 days

***25 Weeks***
Jess22681 - 25 weeks, It's a Girl!!

ckettenb - 25 weeks

Babesbride - 25 weeks

Ali70 - 25 weeks

southernqtpie - 25 weeks

vincourmiranda - 25 weeks

***26 Weeks***
Aloe - 26 weeks

Blissandbaby - 26 weeks

Thanks for taking the time to share your pictures with us, ladies.  This really is something I look forward to all week.  :)

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